sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2021

5 Ways to Help Students Focus on Learning Rather Than Grades



Week of July 7, 2021

Your newsletter is personalized. We found 5 stories that match your interests this week.

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5 Ways to Help Students Focus on Learning Rather Than Grades

When teachers give retakes and shift the way they talk about grades, students concentrate on the skills they’re gaining—not their scores.

topic icon9-12 High School

Using Cognitive Science to Boost Learning

Especially now, after a difficult year, strategies rooted in the science of learning can help middle and high school students more effectively retain what they’re learning.

topic icon9-12 High School

How Project-Based Learning Can Teach Empathy

When PBL is personal to students, it can provide more than just content knowledge—it can also foster important connections.

topic icon9-12 High School

Combining Social Studies and STEM in a Project-Based Learning Unit

High school students can apply lessons from science, technology, engineering, and math classes to a local issue they’re interested in.

topic icon9-12 High School

A Strategy for Teaching Students to Write Political Arguments

Modeling how to disagree on political issues of interest to middle and high school students boosts their critical thinking and literacy skills.

topic icon9-12 High School
archive iconFROM THE ARCHIVE
This is a popular article from March of 2020.
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7 Ways to Maintain Relationships During Your School Closure

Suddenly, you’re not in the same physical space as your students. We asked teachers to share strategies for maintaining relationships—both peer-to-peer and student-teacher—when everything’s gone remote.

Getting Students on the Road to Self-Advocacy

With some simple supports, students in grades 3 to 8 can take the wheel and assume some responsibility for their learning journey.

Easy-to-Use Supports for Students in Google Workspace

Built-in tools can help students stay focused on their assignments and free teachers up to focus on individualized feedback.

6 Tips for Setting Up Virtual Professional Learning Sessions

Virtual gatherings for professional learning are convenient and likely to continue, but they should be designed differently than in-person gatherings.

2 Ways to Encourage Reflection on Math Concepts

Open-ended questions guide students to participate and to think mathematically, which cements their learning.

Building Momentum With Long-Term English Learners

These students may appear to be bilingual but still have gaps in comprehension, and there are ways to keep them moving forward.


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AULA ABERTA: Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Ferramentas e práticas

Caro (a) Participante Bom dia Já está disponível o VÍDEO e o PDF da AULA ABERTA : Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada:...