domingo, 8 de novembro de 2020

Going Digital, Coping Strategies, and More


Vol 754: Grades 6-12
10 Free Downloads
Tips for Going Digital, Coping Strategies, and More
Catch up with recent newsletters right here: Grades 6-12 and Grades PreK-5
This Week's Stories
Going Digital: 9 Teacher-Author Tips for Blended and Distance Learning
Going Digital: 9 Teacher-Author Tips for Blended and Distance Learning
Level up your digital or blended classroom lessons with these tried-and-true tips and tools from other educators who’ve gone digital.
Get inspired
Teacher Voices: Thoughtfully Incorporating Indigenous American Culture into Classroom Lessons
Teacher Voices: Thoughtfully Incorporating Indigenous American Culture into Classroom Lessons
Lyle from Real Native Learning Resources shared about his work to provide all educators with accurate insight into both the modern lifestyle and rich history of Indigenous peoples from the United States.
Read the interview
Coping Strategies for When Your Students Need Emotional Support
Coping Strategies for When Your Students Need Emotional Support
Are you looking for ways to help your students manage stress and cope with tough emotions? These tips from social-emotional learning experts will help you support your students' social-emotional wellbeing.
Find out how
Happy Teaching!
Julia Clif
Julia Clif
Julia Clif
This Week's Resources
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6th grade Math Spiral Review BUNDLE! Beloved by Toni Morrison Close Reading Project for AP Lang and AP Lit
By My Tutoring Bee By Messy Desk Creations
Grades 6-7 Grades 11-12
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Anti Racist Vocabulary Lesson Spanish Gallery Walk: Spanish Food Culture & Menu Choices
By CulturallyResponsiveTeachHER By The Stress Free Spanish Teacher
Grades 6-8 Grades 9-11
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Seller Spotlight
Bright Futures Counseling
Rachel Davis
Dunedin, FL
Visit my store!
As a school counselor, I believe I’m doing a great job when I put myself out of a job! What I mean by this is that my goal is to equip students with the social skills and coping strategies they need to be independently successful. The resources I design are solution-focused and foster independence while empowering students to problem solve everyday social-emotional challenges. I aim to provide educators with easy to implement SEL strategies to integrate into their existing curriculum. As an avid traveler the thought of my resources helping students around the world is amazing!
My Featured Resources
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Executive Functioning Digital Doodle Journal - Distance Learning Google Slides Social Skills Group Social Fluency Social Skills Counseling Group
By Bright Futures Counseling By Bright Futures Counseling
Grades 4-8 Grades 5-8
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10 Free Downloads
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Year-Long Greek & Latin Roots Study FREEBIE! Free Iambic Pentameter Shakespeare Lesson and Activity
By breezybee By Love and Let Lit
Grades 4-8 Grades 9-12
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Algebra Warm Ups Weekly Practice EDITABLE FREEBIE Spiraling Distance Learning Lines Cut by a Transversal Notes for Interactive Notebook FREE
By Piece of Pi By Kacie Travis
Grades 7-9 Grades 7-10
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STEM Activities and Challenges FREEBIE Simple Punnett Square Practice Problems Biology Genetics
By GATER Educator By Keystone Science
Grades 4-7 Grades 8-10
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Context Clues Freebie A More Complete History: Hispanic Activist Willie Velásquez (Lesson 4)
By Mentoring in the Middle By MommyMaestra
Grades 4-8 Grades 9-12
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El Tiempo Weather ¡Corre en Círculos! Activity FREEBIE! + DIGITAL OPTION Daily End Of Day Reflection - School to Home Communication
By Srta Spanish By Adulting Made Easy aka SpedAdulting
Not Grade Specific Not Grade Specific
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AULA ABERTA: Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Ferramentas e práticas

Caro (a) Participante Bom dia Já está disponível o VÍDEO e o PDF da AULA ABERTA : Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada:...