quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2020

5 books - Bill Gates


5 books I loved in 2020
By Bill Gates
Like many people, I had trouble reading for fun during the first couple months of the pandemic. All I wanted to do at the end of each day was shut off my brain while watching something on TV. Although I still got through some great books, I found myself reading less than I normally would.
As we’ve all settled in to the “new normal” of the pandemic, though, I’ve finally gotten back into the groove of reading. My end-of-year book list has five terrific options if you’re looking for something to dive into this winter. It includes a spy thriller, the true story of a medical breakthrough, and a thoughtful exploration of America’s criminal justice system. You can’t go wrong reading any of the books on the list.
The fourth episode of our podcast, Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions, was also just released. This week’s question is an important one: is it too late to stop climate change? I’ve spent a ton of time this year thinking about climate change—especially while I was working on my upcoming book—and it was a lot of fun to talk about the subject with Rashida. We also spoke to The Sixth Extinction author Elizabeth Kolbert about whether we’re really living in an unprecedented moment for our planet.
Thank you for being an Insider. I hope you and your loved ones have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

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Caro (a) Participante Bom dia Já está disponível o VÍDEO e o PDF da AULA ABERTA : Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada:...