quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2020

4 Assessment Strategies for Distance and Hybrid Learning


4 Assessment Strategies for Distance and Hybrid Learning 

A few ways to set up formative and summative assessments that provide an accurate picture of what students know.

Building Community Virtually With Friendly Fridays 

Ideas on how to bring a teacher-tested activity for promoting empathy and other social skills to hybrid and remote classrooms.

Better Ways to Measure Student Progress 

Distance learning has forced many educators to take a closer look at traditional grading and contemplate better methods of assessment.

Building Better Relationships With Parents at the Classroom, School, and District Level 

The need to partner with caregivers is even more important now with so many students learning at home.

Providing Deeper Context in Lessons on Indigenous Peoples 

Teachers planning lessons on Native Americans can paint a fuller and more accurate picture with carefully curated resources.

How to Better Support Middle and High School Students With Dyslexia  

These students need to know their teachers understand their struggles and believe that they can be successful in the classroom.

How Mentor Texts Provide Valuable Lessons Beyond Writing Instruction 

The knowledge middle and high school students gain through working with mentor texts can strengthen their critical thinking skills.

Formative and Summative Assessment in a Hybrid Classroom 

Getting a true sense of students’ learning and discouraging cheating is tough when some students are in the room and some are at home, but it can be done.

Supporting Teachers in a Difficult Year 

A new principal shares her strategies for making sure teachers can air concerns about both their work and the health of everyone in the school.

AULA ABERTA: Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Ferramentas e práticas

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