quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020

A Strategy for Boosting Student Engagement in Math

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JANUARY 22, 2020
Ways to foster gratitude, kindness, and more
Credit: Trinet Uzun / Alamy Stock Photo

Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in the Classroom

According to research, nurturing prosocial behaviors may improve academic outcomes—both classroom grades and test scores.

Tips for using popular edtech to boost language acquisition
Credit: id-work / undefined undefined / iStock

6 Top Tech Tools for World Language Classes

See how to adapt popular apps to get students speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target language.

What preschool looks like today
Credit: ©Nora Fleming

'Not Just Tummy Time': A Preschool Professionalizes ECE

Part of a national network of preschools, Educare New Orleans uses a holistic approach to teaching and learning to ensure that every child is ready for kindergarten.

Teaching students how to attain their goals
Credit: Django / iStock

A Framework for Student Goal-Setting

When middle and high school students set short- and long-term goals, they can see a path to the success they hope for.

A way to get more students talking in math
Credit: Ashley Davis Taplin

A Strategy for Boosting Student Engagement in Math

A four-step approach to group work can get students talking and boost their mathematical and metacognitive thinking.

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2020

Colóquio: Centenário de Bernardo Santareno

Colóquio: Centenário de Bernardo Santareno

Saiba mais: https://gulbenkian.pt/agenda/centenar... Em 2020 celebra-se o Centenário do Dramaturgo Bernardo Santareno, considerado por alguma Crítica como “o maior Dramaturgo português do século XX”, embora muito esquecido ou ignorado pelas novas gerações. Este Colóquio constitui o evento de abertura das Comemorações do Centenário, que ao longo de todo o ano de 2020, incluirá atividades de vária ordem organizadas por entidades parceiras, quer sejam Teatros, Câmaras Municipais, Fundações, Revistas Literárias, etc. Com curadoria de Fernanda Lapa, Diretora da “Escola de Mulheres – Oficina de Teatro” o Colóquio reúne personalidades do meio académico e teatral que irão falar da personalidade e da obra de Santareno e, numa pequena exposição, serão apresentados documentos e curiosidades ligados ao Autor.


quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2020


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JANUARY 15, 2020
Reading logs can discourage reading.
Credit: George Lucas Educational Foundation

3 Alternatives to Reading Logs

Teacher-tested ideas to keep reading homework from feeling like a chore.

This exercise also helps teachers with planning.
Credit: Marmaduke St. John / Alamy Stock Photo

How to Lead Students to Engage in Higher Order Thinking

Asking students a series of essential questions at the start of a course signals that deep engagement is a requirement.

Curiosity's role in nurturing critical thinking
Credit: Ben Giles

Want Mastery? Let Students Find Their Own Way

Prominent scholars say that to drive deeper learning, students need to become accustomed to confusion—and develop the persistence to find their own answers.

Tips for getting everyone on the same page
Credit: Michael Morgenstern / theiSpot

Key Strategies for Reducing Friction Over Student Discipline

Principals and teachers must work hard at alignment when it comes to the difficult—and evolving—question of student discipline.

A simple pre- and post-lesson assessment
Credit: Bob Daemmrich / Alamy Stock Photo

Helping Students Track Their Learning

A strategy that uses Google Forms and Sheets can guide students to accurately assess what they learn in the course of a unit.

AULA ABERTA: Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Ferramentas e práticas

Caro (a) Participante Bom dia Já está disponível o VÍDEO e o PDF da AULA ABERTA : Aprendizagem imersiva com a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada:...